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Advice needed

Thanks for that info Glider. The loan value given me at my CU was $7450. I don't know if they're using NADA or Kellys. I'm ok with the $$'s as long as the bike's in good shape. I just don't want to find myself in a situation where it needs a major overhaul :bigsmiley15:

It's funny that KBB and NADA are that far apart. Just the same I've looked enough at what's selling (and not selling) on Craig's List and Ebay to be comfortable with the price.
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10K Seems like a lot for a 11 year old bike in today's economy.

As far as resale in a few years, and a stock bike with lower miles. I think you could find a better deal.

I know it was not your question. I know nothing about the EVO Motor since I have never owned one. I do have a few friends who have them and love them. One friend recentley bought a 98 RoadKing with 17K miles for 7500.00. It is a very nice bike. He searched for a while for the right bike. He wanted a carbed EVO RoadKing.

Good Luck
No way would I pay 10K. I wouldn't go over 8K. There is always a better deal around the corner. Six months ago I bought a brand new 09 Deluxe for 16K out the door. Like you said look at it as a business decision and don't over pay just because you like it. Keep the emotions out and when you find a good deal you will feel better.
I dont think that I would pull the trigger on that one, considering the shaved heads,as Bubbie laid out the things to check,particularly with the motor,I wouldnt be comfortable with that price tag. Your CU gave you their value and I would stick with that price (7500) or walk away. There are plenty of good deals out there if you keep a vigilant eye. For example I bought my 07 Heritage for 13K,with 12k miles,pipes and a SE tuner to boot, the bike is flawless sans for a little scrape on the pipe tip.
Well I did it, and it is awesome! I had it checked out by an indie shop that is held in high regard herabouts. It was ported, polished and decked by a very reputable shop and everything checked out fine. As for the price opinions, the 93-96 models (Nostalgia models) do bring that much, and the newer ones don't do it for me. The kicker is that the seller is someone I've known for many years, and I know how he takes care of his stuff.
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I would offer two pieces of advice. First, I would go with a 99 or newer bike so you have a twin cam engine. Second, research Ebay Motors for auctions that have ended and you will see that the bikes that are actually being sold are selling below Kelly Blue Book Values. Remember KBB "Retail" is the average price you would pay from a Dealer and a private seller should not expect to receive that amount. With this information you should be able to determine what you should offer for the bike. I'm in the business and the reality is that it is a buyers market. Also, with the internet, any bike is a $500 delivery fee away.
Well I did it, and it is awesome! I had it checked out by an indie shop that is held in high regard herabouts. It was ported, polished and decked by a very reputable shop and everything checked out fine. As for the price opinions, the 93-96 models (Nostalgia models) do bring that much, and the newer ones don't do it for me. The kicker is that the seller is someone I've known for many years, and I know how he takes care of his stuff.

Chrome, custome paint, etc...... adds up quick. Mabe you got the deal of a lifetime. Fortunately, the only one who needs to be happy is you. HAVE FUN!
lets see a PIC.