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08 nighster starting issues...

Hmm, OK. I will check it out... Let me check the battery first... Would the battery being too low really make is not engage?
Hmm, OK. I will check it out... Let me check the battery first... Would the battery being too low really make is not engage?

Indeed, check the voltage @ the battery lug on the starter, you should see at least the same as at the battery minus a bit for voltage drop through the cable. With the starter engaged what do you read?
I can pick up the stronger starter for only $139 right now... I should just do that if the battery is O.K... Just pop the new one on and call it a day :)
voltage from the battery is 12.3 and at the starter 11.9. WHen I press the "start" button the voltage drops to under 1... does it just sound like the battery? What brand is the factory battery. This has some cheap looking "made in china" Power Source brand.
voltage from the battery is 12.3 and at the starter 11.9. WHen I press the "start" button the voltage drops to under 1... does it just sound like the battery? What brand is the factory battery. This has some cheap looking "made in china" Power Source brand.

Under1 volt? Check batteries plus, they sell deka batteries, same as OEM but no H D logo