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Wrench Size Conversion Table

Anytime you dont have a chart you can do the following.
For fractions just divide the first number by the second. For example 1/2 would be 1÷2=.5
For millimeters just multiply the number by .03937 or you can divide the number by 25.4
To get thousands of an inch.
Spent several years as an engineer, and the 25.4 calculation was more useful to me than 4 years of calculus... Good one to remember..
I'm feeling a bit dumb here. What is the purpose of "converting" a wrench size?
5/8" = .625, why would I want or need to know the decimal equivalent of the bolt/nut head? Ok, I get it, the title is misleading. It's for bolt size, not wrench?
I'm feeling a bit dumb here. What is the purpose of "converting" a wrench size?
5/8" = .625, why would I want or need to know the decimal equivalent of the bolt/nut head? Ok, I get it, the title is misleading. It's for bolt size, not wrench?

It's helpful for more than just bolt sizes, etc. Anytime you hear about a spec of any kind that is metric and want to have an idea what that is in inches (or visa versa), you can easily convert using 25.4 (either divide by or multiply by depending on what you want). ie: hole sizes, metal thickness, deflection specs, whether it's HD related or not.