free website stats program Wow!! 35000 and still growing | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums

Wow!! 35000 and still growing

Not sure what my number is, but I am happy to be a newer member that helped push you over the top.

In just a few months I have learned so much from these boards, but I really appreciate that you guys do so much to keep it running well and make sure the threads are kept civil.

Well done... so based on average growth when should you hit 50k? :small3d007:
BTW guys, that number isn't for real, I just picked it out of the air :D

Hate to burst your bubble :lolrolling
OK, what's the predictions for the 40000 mark going to be? :D

Let's think big, when will we reach 100,000!!! :s

I wonder what the current number of Harley owners in North America is (can I include you guy's in Central America, South America & Europe that are participants in this site?), and what percentage are members of this forum.

35,000 is quite impressive, knowing there are that many of us owners spread throughout the U.S., and even more impressive that we have come together as a family to help each other out, and are civil about it!
I go on record to Guess the date we will have 40,000 and it will be on new year day of 2011... What a START!

The one thing that impresses me about the # of members is that we have both quantity and quality. Usually you have one or the other. To have both speaks highly of the people who keep this site running on the right course. Thanks to all the moderators, and a special thanks to Speed. Now how about the donate button??????
The one thing that impresses me about the # of members is that we have both quantity and quality. Usually you have one or the other. To have both speaks highly of the people who keep this site running on the right course. Thanks to all the moderators, and a special thanks to Speed. Now how about the donate button??????

What ever you wish :D
