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I guess I'm at the at that rider hieght where my stock windows shield makes me feel like I'm wearing bifocals... Constantly looking up and down over edge. Has anyone tried the tall or the shorter screen and what do u think?

There's usually a 2" difference in the taller and the shorter ones over and under stock. Try a piece of masking tape 2" down and see what that gives you if you like that or not.
If you think ya will ever be caught rideing in the rain, you best go shorter rather than taller. :D Ya need to be able look OVER the windshield in any kind of rain.:s
I guess I'm at the at that rider hieght where my stock windows shield makes me feel like I'm wearing bifocals... Constantly looking up and down over edge. Has anyone tried the tall or the shorter screen and what do u think?


When I bought my bike it had a 6 inch windshield and I found that it didn't shield the wind as much as I wanted. So I put a 10 inch on it and it is just right. I can still see over it but it shields the wind much better. BTW, I am 6'1" tall and ride an Ultra. If it was any taller, I wouldn't be able to see over it.
You cut the windshield rel easy with a dremmel tool and sand it down after.
Will look just like new. !!!
Did it twice so far, it will make all the difference !!!
I guess I'm at the at that rider hieght where my stock windows shield makes me feel like I'm wearing bifocals... Constantly looking up and down over edge. Has anyone tried the tall or the shorter screen and what do u think?


I have a gold colored bike so I got the gold colored winshield that you can't see thru, I have to look over it. Did take awhile to get used to but it sure looks good on the bike. Can't see things directly in front of front tire but you adapt.
Many aftermarket companies offer shields of various heights and can be ordered with a "recurve" at the top to throw the airstream about 2 inches higher so you can actually get a lower shield with the same air pocket as a higher shield - does that make any sense? Clearview and Klockwerks come to mind and I'm sure there are others. Have not heard many good reviews of the cheap ones available on Ebay.
Hey Spike,

My stock FLHTCU '07 was 12'' from the edge of the fairing to the top, forcing me to look though it at all times. I found it frustrating due to reflection, rain, etc. If you're going to replace your stock WS, consider a WindVest Several heights, shades, and a unique 90 degree curves at the top of the shield. Very effective, easy to see over, mine is a 8''...I'm 6'1. Mininal buffeting and few bugs touch your helmet shield. Check'em out online, I think you'll like wha you see.
Good luck to you.

Try the Clearview with recurve on top - you'll be looking over the shield but the recurve throws most of the air over your helmet.