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What is your favorite song honoring our Veterans

saw a video of PGR escorting a fallen soldier with "Go rest high on that mountain" by Vince Gill playing...both put together made it very moving. Other than that,I really like "Angel Flight" by Radney Foster
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"Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood. Played it alot while stationed in Korea (ENDEX). Still gives me goosebumps...;)
I know it is a little late to be thinking about this on Memorial Day but wondered if others had a favorite song that honors our veterans.

I like Arlington by Trace Atkins and Ballad of the Green Beret by Barry Sadler

God Bless our Veterans :USA

A song from the 60's..."He Ain't Heavy, He's my Brother" by an English group called the Hollies (Graham Nash the "high" voice of Crosby Stills, Nash & Young fame began his "chops" back then)...:small3d018:
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