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This weather really stinks. Not only can we not ride..most of the people I know count on decent weather to make a living...painters.carpenters. tour boat owners .. artists that sell at street venues... in a already down economy this weather is really hurting us.
I just have to belly ache a little myself about the RAIN up here! I returned to riding after close to 30 years. Bought my first Harley in April and now can hardly catch a good day for riding. It's gotta break soon.........I hope.

What part of NY rob? I am 70 miles from Montreal. We might see that thing called the sun on Sat. I saw a good sign @ my dealer that said, "if you ain't riding in the rain you ain't riding at all !! HOW TRUE.
North central TN has had one of the wettest springs I have ever seen. Regardless of that, I have ridden a lot this year! The rainsuit has been thoroughly washed several times, rain just kept on coming.
always good to learn how to ride in the rain! :D
then ya never loose a day,,,,,,well maybe if it snow!?:bigsmiley22:
What part of NY rob? I am 70 miles from Montreal. We might see that thing called the sun on Sat. I saw a good sign @ my dealer that said, "if you ain't riding in the rain you ain't riding at all !! HOW TRUE.
Hey Lowrider13, I'm in the Albany area and yeah Saturday appears to be the best pick for the weekend. Yeah, aint that saying the truth this year!
Newhd74fan, we never get rain here in the summer and the rest of the year is great too. The only reason we don't have enough water is because the judge in northern CA, where it does rain, won't let the water guys turn on the pumps to get it down here. The delta smelt, a minnow, is one reason. The other reason has to do with less salmon. Well, if you believe in Al Gore's global warming (remember, he's an attorney and politician), of course the salmon like cold water and the ocean is in a warm el nino, go figure...I suppose as long as we throw a bunch of money at global warming, problem solved. Oh wait, I forgot to mention that the earth is still recovering from the ice age which man also caused (the cave man and the boogie man).
The eternal cynic
just got back from a 10 day trip to Germany
it rained heavily in every country we were in but only on the long distance days
