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Transmission Shift Shaft Lever Replacement


I have a 1993 FLHS and the splines on the shift shaft lever are wearing out. The shift rod lever is sloppy on the shaft. I had the shift linkage replaced last year and the mechanic had to remove the primary drive to install the shift rod lever. Can I replace the shaft in the tranny without removing the primary drive? Can I do this easily through the top after removing the cover? Will I need any special tools or will I need to make any adjustments to the shift linkage? This is a 5 speed.
Are you sure that the shaft needs replacing?
It's usually the shifter arm that is the softer metal and wears out first. You can also with a bit of patients remove the stock bolt in the shift arm and replace it with a non shoulder bolt and put a lock nut on the bottom after you get it tightened down.Some blue locktite will be in order too. This usually cures the sloppy shifter arm because it pinches the bottom section closed better than the shoulder bolt that is in there now. It has a tendency to bottom out before fully tightened on to the shaft.

If you have to remove the shaft itself, there is a "C" clip outside the seal so you would have to remove the inner primary to get at it so you can remove the shaft.
I think it is the shaft. Last year I had all the shift linkage replaced including the shifter arm (front and rear). The mechanic had to remove the inner primary to replace the shifter arm. At that time he told me the shaft was getting worn out and he used some shim stock to take up the slop that was there. It worked good for some time but then became loose. I can still shift though, but very easily. I tried to tighten the bolt you are talking about but it is bottomed out like you said. Do you think the fix you mentioned above will still work? It's getting nice and I'm ready to ride. I just want to make sure it will be dependable.
I would go with the bolt replacement first before tearing into it. Most times like I mentioned it's the arm itself.
So this should be a standard hex head bolt? I assume that the length should be a little longer to extend through the shifter arm. As standard bolts get longer the threads don't extend all the way to the head. Will a longer bolt have enough threads? I will try this tonight. Thanks for the suggestion.
I would only use a grade 8 bolt here, probably an allen head would be best and yes a bit longer than the one in there now so you can nut it on the bottom. Something on the order of 1/2' longer should do it. you could get this in grade 8 at the dealer. Take a look at the on in there now and you can see how much longer you would need depending on how far the bolt is showing at the bottom of the thread in the arm. It's difficult to see but it can be done.
Also bolts can be had with the shoulder at the top of them and in other configurations with no shoulder or a small shoulder.