free website stats program torque specs for primary cover | Harley Davidson Forums

torque specs for primary cover


Hi everyone, Can anyone tell me what the torque specs are for the primary cover. The book I have does not say anything about it. Thank you for the help.
What kind of book are you using that it doesn't have the TQ for this?

I removed my reply here because the TQ specs as I said vary from bike to bike as well as the procedure for torquing them and I don't want to give you bad info.
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That's the reason I asked about threadlocker. Recently had 2 seized bolts on my primary. Blue Loctite should work to keep everything in place and allow removal without having seized bolts.
Any reason not to use a threadlocker on these bolt threads?
Service Manual - '04 Heritage
Primary inspection cover screws = 84 - 108 in-lbs
Clutch inspection cover screws = 84 - 108 in-lbs
Don't know about your Softail ??
"Any reason not to use a threadlocker on these bolt threads?"

Cant answere that... I just do what the HD manual and this site recommend.
The book I have is Haynes service & repair manual My bike is a 1997 softail custom. I better get another book. Thank you for your reply's If anyone knows of a good manual to get Let me Know, Thank's again
I suggest the HD manual from the dealer for your bike. It will give you the best input on various operations over the other brands with better explanations..