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Survey Sezzz?


Active Member
What is your favorite motorcycle magazine? I have a few I dwell in. #1. I like my HOG subscription, not alot to it at times, but enjoy the reading, updates, and ride articles. #2.American Rider, to me they put out some good articles, bike reviews and ride articles and a decent price. #3. American Iron Magazine (AIM), I enjoy the mag but get tired of all the tricked out/ moded out bikes, the choppers. the Mag says For People Who Love Harley Davidsons. In my on opnion, there could be more Harley articles for ex. history of a bike, from birth to when ever. More bike reviews, I enjoy their Tech Articles and writer columns. It is a good mag. do not get me wrong I enjoy the reading. Whats in your House?:eam
Hot Bike baggers and the regular hot bike too.American rider is another one. I picked up a copy of American Iron once and if I could have returned it for a refund, I would have. Nothing but advertising, double or more of what other mags had in it.
American Bagger (AB) is my personal favorite.
Don't read too many motorcycle magazines, but AB is the best from the several I've given a try.
American Iron is my favorite. Good tech articles, but like Shag and glider mentioned way to many high dollar customs that the average joe will never own. Would like to see more pictures of "everyday" Harleys. And yes the rag is full of ads, but even some of them interest me. They are 1/4 to 3/8 inches thick. About 250 pages. My subscription comes to around $1.00 per copy.
I also picked up a rag the other day that I had never seen before. Cycle Source. Just 4 bucks news stand and its full of bobbers, shovels, pans, and even some rat bikes. Might try it again.