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Sticky Downshift


I have an '07 FLHTC ...I have noticed a small problem when I downshift...sometimes it will not shift (down) sticks in gear...I can upshift once then downshift and it proceeds to downshift through gears...this is an intermittent problem. Motorcycle is still under warranty... BUT I AM LEARY OF SERVICE DEPT.Any answers or has anyone else experienced this problem?
Sounds like a shift fork adjustment is needed possibly.
Some things you can check although it is an 07 are outlined in this post. The shift shaft could be in need of a lubrication which you will get the idea from this post, not necessarily to install the grease fitting being an 07.

Shifter Shaft Grease Fitting - Harley Davidson Community

Disconnect the shift linkage that runs from the front of the bike to the trans and see if it is all free or if it is binding at all.

Any additions to the bike like primary covers or inner primary cover to interfere with the linkage? Stock linkage? Shifter pegs hitting anything like the lowers if you have them?

Aside from this, you may have to take it back to the dealer for an adjustment.
No interference at all and lever works freely does not stick (UP OR DOWN)...JUST WON'T DOWNSHIFT UNTIL UPSHIFT IS MADE...
The one and only thought that comes to mind is that maybe your clutch is adjusted too close and the transmission is still under load when the lever is pulled in to shift. If that's not it and if Glider hasn't come up with an answer, I'd say take it back to the dealer.

Clutch adjusted properly just did 10,000 mi service recently. Started noticing problem at around 2k mi. it happened several times yesterday and once today. It seems to be getting worse as time and miles add up.Thanks for input...and answers. Hope they (dealer service dept.) don't give me alot of chin music!
Clutch adjusted properly just did 10,000 mi service recently. Started noticing problem at around 2k mi. it happened several times yesterday and once today. It seems to be getting worse as time and miles add up.Thanks for input...and answers. Hope they (dealer service dept.) don't give me alot of chin music!

when you had it in for service did you ask them to look at the problem and is it under warrenty?
The one and only thought that comes to mind is that maybe your clutch is adjusted too close and the transmission is still under load when the lever is pulled in to shift. If that's not it and if Glider hasn't come up with an answer, I'd say take it back to the dealer.


Although you said you adjusted the clutch ...Good thought Stormrider, where does the lever grab when you let it out from a stop and if you were rolling in gear with a tad of throttle on where does the engine RPM flare up as you pull in the clutch handle?
If it flares up way up near the bars, adjust the clutch over and try it again but adjust the clutch completely cold.
About between 3/4 - 7/8 outward pull of lever...seems to feel right with pull and travel if that makes any sense? and have ridden approx 1,100 miles since service,