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Steering Head Bearing Grease


Is there a special type of grease that should be used to lubricate these bearings or will regular wheel bearing grease work for them?

I like the regular wheel bearing grease over the tubes of grease that you use for the tie rods, U-joints, etc. Sometimes the other will seap out the bottom of the neck on a hot day. the Wheel bearing grease seems to stay better. Then again, I think it was back in 94 or so when I put on the 6 over tubes and greased the bearings in my 76. My 91 got greased in 96 when I put the wide glide front end on after tee-boning my vehicle.

Standard wheel bearing grease is fine. Not like there is a lot of RPM on them unless you really ride funny.

I use marine wheel bearing grease for ALL the grease-points on my bike. Water resistant, corrosion resistant, and cheaper than the HD branded stuff. Get it at WalMart in the sporting goods section.
