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Stator change on a 95 Evo

Hey Guys - How's thing's ???

My stator has blownon my 95 Heritage Softail....Had an estimate of nearly £400 from my local harley dealer to get the job done. Stators on E-bay about £50....Is this something that an amatuer mechanic can do ??? Like myself ???

Any help would be appreciated......would I need any special tools ??? is it a simple job ???? Any pitfalls to watch out for ??? or am I simply best stumping up the cash and leavingit to the experts ????

If anyone can help or point me inthe direction of a good website / manual for intructions....I would greatly appreciate it

Ride Safe evrybody


Cheers for the replies, unfortunately nothing specific to the stator in self help, only voltage regulator which I have already done (that was the easy part) - will keep looking

Laterz - Mick