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Softail Oil Cooler


This must be a sign that it is going to be a good year. I won a HD oilcooler at a local raffle this weekend. Not bad a buck for $269.00 item. Anyway I need some info. Even though these coolers supposedly are thermastatically controlled, would it hurt to install now while the weather is cool or wait until warmer weather. We are finally getting a chance to ride now, what a sweet sound!!
My bike rides fine after adding 2-1 Rineharts-SEC Air Cleaner and dyno tuning using SEC race tuner for fuel Mgt. Do I really need the oil cooler, will it help or hinder?:reyes:reyes

ride to the sun

hey bluessman the foot shifter is just what the doc ordered
You can install it anytime, they are worth about 10-15* off the temps which is good for any motor oil. The thermostat will only open at the pre set temp, usually about 185* and that is enough to keep the moisture out of the oil as long as you ride often enough and get it to operating temps .