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Soft lowers


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Here are a few sites that have the soft lowers that install over the front engine guards on most bikes. I have a set of the HD ones for $60 and they fit and work very well. They have the nylon quick buckles and Velcro to adjust them initially to your bike for a good fit. They also have openings for the highway pegs to come through if you have them.

The nice part about them is that when installed, they direct the air between the down tubes, over the motor and out on to your lower body, almost like a heater. Absolutely great for cold weather riding.

Harley-Davidson soft lowers

Airlite Engine Guard Chaps

Desert dawgs: Harley Davidson

Soft Lowers - Elephant Ears

Soft Lowers E Glide Goodies
Also see TravelLowers as sold by Roadspirit
Do a google search for 'soft lowers roadspirit' or 'TravelLowers' and you'll hit the site. They offer free shipping.

Great product and a great price. They come with their own carrying pouch and are quite packable for long trips. Easy on and easy off.