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Chuck, I'm guessing you have ridden 800 miles in a day before. A year ago yesterday I rode 848.2 miles while on the way back from my adventure to California. I sure hope I'm never in a position where I think that is necessary again. I was lucky with perfect weather, but is sure was a grueling ride. I’m with Dr. Dolittle, I don’t think it’s a good idea either. Keep in mind you have a second rider too. Is he up for that kind of punishment? If you do in fact make this trip, I wish you well, but I sure am glad I ain’t going. I don’t see how it is physically possible to ride those kind of miles, take in the sights you listed and camp too. I wouldn’t want to ride with “trickydoc’s” buddy either; I ain’t tough enough. Mad Dog Marrion
I agree on not being too good of an idea. When out on the road on a motorcycle just to many things can slow you down. Weather being the first that comes to mind. There are the stops that have to take place and just to many things that can happen out on the road that will slow you down. If it were me I would wait ,buy a Harley dealer book and just plan a much slower paced ride and see all the sights. Sorry JMO. Good luck in what you do and stay safe.
I have extended it to 8-9 days, that should be plenty of time don't you think.

Now you're talking!!!

Three days out and three days back still gives you 2 or 3 days to explore out there. Be ready to be flexible with your plans, though, for all the previously stated reasons.