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Road Trip Advice needed for camping

Put days clothes in a food vacuum seal bag and vacuum seal the bag. It will shrink the clothes down to half the space and keep your clothes dry.:s

And do you bring the vacuum with you?
How would you get your hugely expanded clothes home once you break the seal on the vacuum bags?
how did you fit all this on your bike and a rider, I do have the tour pack but just don't think I would have the space.

Thanks, good info,Only problem is the packing, no one really talks about how to fit all that and another passenger,

Martyg, the key here is that most riders let their experience and research work over time...and is an accumulated knowledge based on you and your passenger PERSONAL needs and expectations, first the basics...

How long is your expected travel plan you want to have measured mileage of say 400-500 miles daily i.e. typical average speed is 50 mph, 60 if you press..(this is taking into account stops for gas and possible dining on the road stops only). How long are you going to stay at your destination, and what level of comfort do you expect when you get there (or are you sightseeing along the way and the destination is just a rest stop). Next, what level of # of changes of clothes you need and how cold is things going to get (rain, layered, heated gear), toiletries etc...does she really need that hairdryer?

Finally, camping gear, lighting and maintenance items (road fixes), travel plastic and navigation gear. Finally, after several long and similar trips you will tailor what you need to do it "RIGHT" the next time...we have all overpacked or underpacked, but the key is to learn from your personal experience what works for you. If this is your first trip, it is common to overpack, and only use 60% of what you really need or use or underpacking and cursing why you did not remember that.

Just do not forget the reason for doing it in the first place TO HAVE A GOOD TIME!...may want to remember the best rides/trips you have done and remember the "what you did right AND what you did wrong" thing YOU WILL BE FINE either way.
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