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Replacing key switch 2000,1200 sportster

John M Hyatt

New Member
Hey Guys,my key lock started cuting the power and finally would not let the key turn to on at all. Sooooo I bought an after market replacement with a round key, the Co wanted $70 this one was $29. Anyway the old switch has three wires this one has two,the old one is not color coded they are all red new one has red/yellow.

Also the new switch has round eyelets as well as two splice conectors so I am thinking a person can either go into the wiring and conect with the eyelets or splice into the wiring and conect that way.

Im pretty sure im going to have to take the tank off to do all this. Any ideas or been there done that???

Little John info>> I started out on Mustangs went to nortons than a triumph 550 ( I loved that bike ) been off for a while but I got the bug again last year and got this Sporty,or piglet as my buddy with an fxd calls it. I am Loving this ride,yellow/crome drag bars/pipes + 42 mpg.

Thanks for any and all help!! John Hyatt
Is the new switch a 2 or 3 position switch? You may not have the "parking" position with the aftermarket. If the three red wires all go into a connector block, I suggest using an ohm meter to work out the connections within the block, then copy that with the new switch. You just need to work out which wire operates the middle position and disregrd it (if that is the problem).
Hope that helps! Cheers, Mark.
Thanks Marks, the new switch has three positions. I did go to the Co store and looked at the Harley switch it also had two wires encased with a plastic sleave going into the block if fact they looked the same execpt for the round key.

One thing,on the existing switch two wires are coming out from the same palce so I am thinking all replacement units are conected in a way so that the Acc position no longer needs three wires.

Belive me I would have taken it in but of course it wont start.The three wires make sence one to the battery,one to the started button one to the starter Ghessssssss A wireing diagram would defentley help, or someone who has done it before.

Shortley after I got the bike geting spare keys made the Locksmith noticed filings on the key sugesting a key had to be made without one to match could be the lock had problems before. John
Ghesss this must be a tricky little go around!! no Teck at all!! Still trying and going thru Major Slead Shakes with not being on latley. J.
AAA tow like Ka Daaaaa it was a v-8 moment. A local hot rod garage that put a jasper 350 in my two door Tahoe took on the job,and job it is defentley not a shade tree deal. Those round key switches like jp sales are some cheep (edit) stuff hears hoping the quality of the tumblers dosent match the housing.I would defentley go the Co. switch even with the $70 price should I,and I might just have to, do it again. J.
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