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Rejetting issues


hi all,

ust recently rejetted my '06 XL883C. Ran good-until I took it out on a cool morning yesterday. Initially let bike warm up-started it with choke out, let it run a bit, put choke in a little more etc etc. Bike then sat for about 45 minutes, started it up again, and it ran as if it had never been rejetted: coughing, spitting, and even died as I was rollin down the road! Bike eventually warmed up after that episode and the ride was great. I've heard that after rejetting, I wouldn't have to mess with the choke as much, the bike wouldn't have issues with restarting, nor would it cough and spit after sitting. Is all this a product of a bad jet job or bad jet kit? Like I said, the bike runs great!!! on warmer mornings and the rejet added some horsepower like it was supposed to, so Im just curious if something was done wrong with the rejet.

45 minutes is enough time for the bike to cool down enough to require some warm up routine again (i.e. a little enricher) on a cool morning most places. you dont say what jets were installed or who did it, although it sounds as though someone did it for you and used a kit.

Highly unlikely that there's anything wrong with the jet kit. The issue here is most likely the slow (pilot) jet although you might want to check and make sure the fuel mixture screw was set right. Usually a mechanic doing a rejet will err on the side of leanness and they start with a modest upgrade of the slow jet. more damage is done to the bike from being jetted too rich than too lean. you probably find that the bike runs really well at highway speed now, the modest upgrade in the main jet is usually perfect for the high flow air cleaner/ less restrictive pipes usually called stage 1 upgrade. you might try upping the slow jet a bit more, which will require pulling the carb out again. On a hot morning as is you may find you need little if any use of the enricher (choke) and likely. will find little or no coughing/ spitting/ dieing when the bike is nice and warm as these bikes like to be. The moral of this story is, too bad you didnt wait a year for the standard EFI sportster. Anyone out there have any comments on that machine yet?
Yeah, now Im wishing I would've waited 2 months for the '07's..LOL Nawww, I'm enjoying my little monster. Thanks for your advice..Asked around at work and a fellow rider said the same you did: bike cooled down, just that quick, and that was probably the cause of the icky spits and coughs. He said I should check the plugs also as this will tell if jet was tuned too rich.
Usually a mechanic doing a re-jet will err on the side of leanness and they start with a modest upgrade of the slow jet. more damage is done to the bike from being jetted too rich than too lean.

That doesn't sound quite right to me. I would prefer to err on the rich side personally. If the bike is too lean, it will run hotter and some serious internal engine can occur. If I have to err, it will be on the rich side.
