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Providing Tunes on our V-Rods



I would like to know if there is any quality way of providing tunes on our V-Rods, much as I have on my Ultra Classic. I like to plug my MP3 player into the auxillary port on the in-fairing stereo system. I am spoiled and really miss the MP3 player when I ride the V-Rod. I have the large touring windshield and should be able to attach a system to it or the handlebars. Does anyone know of a slick solution to this desire?

hi trucker.

Well, I wouldn’t call it slick, but it does work and you get decent sound quality for it. Shure e2c headphones, they’ll provide a decent amount of help with noise and also allow you to hook up your iPod or other device. Add the iPod remote if you use an iPod, it’ll make it easier to use with gloves and you can put your iPod somewhere a little more protected.

I put the same question to Harley about a year after I got my 2002 VRSCA and got back "Duh we want to know what is a I-POD" Talk about shock and Awe. Well if
they are waiting for someone to come up with something for it so they can buy the rights and then slap a bar and sheild on it and charge a 500% markup to us.
Sorry I hope that didnt sound negative cause I really didnt want to come acros as being negative.

I would definitely like to stay in on this. I have an FLHTC and got spoiled with the tune box. I have been trying to figure out a way to add tunes to my night rod, but the best idea I have been told so far is go with helmut speakers. But I don't always wear a helmut, cept in states that require it. But I have not found a good power amp yet that is water tight, and puts out the power necessary to hear at high speeds. The small speakers I have heard, are just not that loud. So I would love to hear ideas on this subject.

I decided long ago that I did not need the distraction of music when I am riding. How many of you listen to music when you ride? Do you find that it distracts you from your driving?
Got this link from Easy Rider Magazine...They have good info. They are a little pricey . If I had $1000 i would buy as I am impressed with the specs. I have not used this product but will consider as I also like my tunes loud.