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Please help the bike wont start!!

Howdy Stellah, you might give some thought as to dating a real biker, one that knows how to wrench. If not, investing in a factory service manual would be the next best choice! Try the things suggested here and I do wish you the best of luck! Shouldn't be anything real hard to fix. You'll love learning how to be your own wrench...:p
I had a similar problem just a few weeks ago. Remember the three most important words when diagnosing ANY engine. Fuel,Air,Spark. Any one of these three will not let the engine start. When trying to start the bike do you smell gas? Puchase a spark tester (less than $10). Do you have a spark? If you answered no to one of these then you atleast know where to start. Believe me I put a hole in the back of my head from scratching it so much before I realized one of my spark plug wires had a gash taken out of it from vibrating on the chrome coil cover.
Everyone is focusing on an electrical issue but everything else electrical works. Might it have been low on oil causing overheating and the engine is seized? It that is the case, the starter won't turn it over. Does the starter motor make some noise like it is trying to turn over? If so, check your fluids. You might have a major problem.
Look at the Negative battery cable at the battery and where it grounds to the frame. The connection may be good enough to run lights etc., but when you hit the start button, the large elec demand is too much for a loose connection. Have seen a few of these.:small3d023: