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Oil filter change


New Member
I use a 2 liter plastic pop bottle and make a scoop out of it. I cut the bottom off, then slit it length ways on 2 sides and then cut the top half out leaving the neck. Then slide it under the filter and drill a hole in the top of the filter(at the bottom edge) to drain.
before i loosen/remove the filter i find a medium thickness piece of cardboard, bend in in a reverse C shape and slide it under the filter.

this way the excess oil leaks onto the cardboard (trash it) and not your bike.
I use a 1 liter bottle with the bottom cut out and cut 1/4 of the the side up to the taper in the neck. It catches a lot of the oil, and you can pull it away and it will hold all the oil. You still need to keep some brake cleaner handy!!