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Oh jeez, primary oil change flub?

Hey Bubbie,

Thanks for the input.. yes.. '03 softail as in O.P. Manual good, one of first purchases with bike, and the photo is worth the proverbial 1000 words. I re-levelled the bike, went back in with the intent of reducing fluid to 1 qt. Fluid now riding about middle of the lower ring of basket, so I took out about 8 oz., which went below the basket, so I added a couple oz. to bring it up to touch. Took a spin, all good, shifting easy, neutral easy, etc.
What's puzzling about the whole deal is that the bloody MANUAL says 26 oz... which wouldn't bring level anywhere near the basket on my bike. All said and done, it appears my bike needs about 40oz. to accomplish this, and 26 would be seriously low.
Thanks to all who replied.

I'm a bit confused when you say you "re-levelled the bike". Do you mean you are uprighting the bike by making it sit vertical?
My manual says to place bike on side stand when filling case. Are you doing that or something else?
HI, I just looked it up in my manual for a 2010 FXDC and its 32oz wet and 40oz dry. The bike needs to be standing vertical otherwise the fluid will flow out. At 32 or 1 qt with the bike level will be just up to the clutch basket. Now this is for a dyna but I don't think the softail would be different. You check the engine and trans when the bike is on its side stand.
I stand corrected based on...

My Harley owner's manual doesn't specify the position of the bike when changing the primary chaincase oil but my Clymer's manual does say, "Park the motorcycle on a level surface and support it so that it is standing straight up. Do not support on the jiffy stand." BTW, it uses approximately 32oz.

So, if I believe in my Clymer's, then that's the way to do it. Now I will have to recheck the level of my primary chaincase oil but I do believe I did it right the first time.

What the owner's manual does say is to check the transmission oil level while the bike IS on the jiffy stand. It also says that the amount of tranny fluid needed is approximately 32oz. (.95 liters).
Now the question to ask is why in the world does MOCO make so you need to take the derby cover off to add and check oil level when they could put a dip stick on it. Unless you use a bore scope you can't see much of the chain or tension shoe on the self adjusting models.