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Not starting after a winter plugged into a tender

Thanks everyone, especially you Chopper as that picture was priceless to me. I am going to keep that one for sure for future use. I did have luck from above though this morning as I went out and the tender registered fully charged and I removed it crossed my fingers and tried to start it. IT STARTED, I did the happy dance in the garage and my dogs just thought I was nuts but I didn't care as my other baby was running - LOL
I will be riding today if we have good weather and having the biggest smile on my face.
Thanks everyone again.
Problem is you still do not have an explanation as to why it did not stay charged thru the winter. Possible whoever did the tender install did not get all cables tightened properly causing intermittent contact. I would check all cables for tightness.:)
That's great Avalon, maybe she justs needs to be driven a little now and you'll both enjoy a full summer of getting to know each other better, a service manual makes for a good read if you have the passion to ride and it sounds like you do, you can get one from any dealer or online. The 06 custom is a nice scoot and you'll be surprised how much you can do yourself to keep her happy. My wife not only turned out to be a excellent rider after she got her first bike but she can out wrench most of my friends.
Watch out for that loose gravel:)
I will vouch that the people on this site are great for helping 'us girls' out with taking care of the little things on the bikes. I'm sure they would coach me through some of the big things if I was willing to get into it. Great that you are back on the road. Ditto for the manual. :s
Glad to hear your back on the blacktop. I have heard of issue's with battery tenders before. When I put my bike down for the winter this last December, I rode on Christmas day,first filled the tank, changed the oil, then, let it sit. I would start the bike at least once a week and let it run until the idol dropped so the motor was up to operating temperature. And that's it. The one thing I have learned over the years is that HD love's to spend your money for you. I live in CT. so it got pretty cold in Jan. Feb. It's a 2007, so the battery is three years old. It's still fine. From what I understand, a heated garage is the best place to store a bike. Mine is not. We all love our Harleys here. Ride any chance we get. I think I'll change the oil again, I always have one on hand. Keep the wind in your hair, best wishes, HOLLYWOOD...........................