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New use for pledge

My grandaughter one day decided to put stickers all over her oak door in her room that we have for her when she stay's here. As I am not a big fan of the Jonas brothers and that beaver kid I wanted them off. Grandma tried using a razor blade and little by little worked on trying to remove them. Well pledge to the rescue. I brought out my can of the orange pledge( I believe this is better than the lemon...but thats just me) and low and behold I had all (and there were many) of them off in a matter of minutes. Bad part about that now Grandma makes me wax all the wood in the house. Oh well the beaver and the boys are gone and that was my gripe.
Could it be that lemon has CITRUS in it HMMMM love that PLEDGE:s
Just discovered Pledge Wipes today (I'm kinda slow)... Guess Pledge is impregnated in the cloth... Anyway, that should supply material for quite a few more threads on here.:)