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New Pennsylvania Law going into effect!

Its all just an excuse for authority to have a reason to harass. Anyone who has ever been arrested for resisting harassment can testify. The state and local governments have laws against profiling, particularlly racial profiling. While riders may not be a race we are a caterigorized group, why should any loop hole law like that be aloud to pass? People need to stand up for their rights or very very soon we wont have any. Yes there are consequences for standing up to the gov, but there are different levels of stands you can take and every American needs to do their part. If you dont want to be on the front line of balantly and publically violating illegal laws to make a point to them fine, but at least gently protest your violation of rights, its the responsibiliy of every American in order to keep the rights our forefathers and veterans have fought to provide us. Freedom is just an empty word unless you have the testicular fortitude for living free!!
Maybe I can start complaining about the trains that roll past my house. They are definitely louder than my HD...but I guess that is ok.

I grew up next to the train tracks, and can remember the pictures falling off the shelves and the whole house shaking, but like you said it's ok....:yeahright

It was only a matter of time. Personally, I hate loud pipes and find them to be another reason for the general public to dislike motorcycles. Interestingly, 2 of the guys I ride with are classic examples. One puts in ear plugs because his pipes are so loud. Another insists on riding at the back of the pack out of courtesy to other riders as his long shots are so loud you can't stand to be behind him. They have laws for cages regarding excessively loud mufflers. I feel it should be no different for motorcycles.

Knowing this is an unpopular view on this forum, feel free to fire away and tell me why we, as motorcyclists, should be exempted from noise restrictions.

You have a good point, with the key word being "excessively". I remember when I lived in California there was a DB limit on my ATV, (not that people followed it), but it was in the laws, and the rangers in the desert have policed "excessively" loud machines. I know exactly what your talking about, as I have ridden with some that guys who's exhaust hurt my ears riding next to them down the freeway. That IMO is "excessive". But to have a law with no stated DB limits is a little ridiculous IMO, and I personally don't see how they can police it. But hey, guess I won't visit PA on my bike, not that it's excessively loud, but some may think it is, because it's not "whisper" quiet like that honda generator is.........JMO
You have a good point, with the key word being "excessively". I remember when I lived in California there was a DB limit on my ATV, (not that people followed it), but it was in the laws, and the rangers in the desert have policed "excessively" loud machines. I know exactly what your talking about, as I have ridden with some that guys who's exhaust hurt my ears riding next to them down the freeway. That IMO is "excessive". But to have a law with no stated DB limits is a little ridiculous IMO, and I personally don't see how they can police it. But hey, guess I won't visit PA on my bike, not that it's excessively loud, but some may think it is, because it's not "whisper" quiet like that honda generator is.........JMO

Bingo! It is completely arbitrary and left to an individuals interpretation. Then if forces the use of resources. Additionally it is unfairly weighted to the person interpreting the noise. If one person doesn't like it but the other 100 people you just passed don't mind it (or that live in your neighborhood or such) you have to deal with an "issue".

I would rather deal with some inconviences rather than make up a new law for every issue. Could I call the police if my neighbor's baby is screaming for days on end through my apartment wall? Noise is noise regardless of the reason, if it is left to interpretation. A baby that is sick is OK, but say, loud mucsic is not? But what if I like loud country musiic but not loud classical music?

While I understand the point about "excessive noise" I am opposed legislating our way out of being neighbors and fellow citizens who should at least try to talk it out and compromise. Yeah, Yeah, I know it doesn't always work. But the politicians NEVER take a law off the books....they just add to it whenever they can.
I guess all the state have their own laws that make us mad, I see this as an easy way to make money, but I do not know what they can do if you are running baffles, but I am sure that we will always be in the wrong. Hey I got one how about elderly people have to be retested to drive, we have alot of elderly people that cause bad accidents that usually have a death involved in them, oh wait, to much work, they can just say your bike is to loud. That is why I ride normal and do not draw attention to myself.
its all just an excuse for authority to have a reason to harass. Anyone who has ever been arrested for resisting harassment can testify. The state and local governments have laws against profiling, particularlly racial profiling. While riders may not be a race we are a caterigorized group, why should any loop hole law like that be aloud to pass? People need to stand up for their rights or very very soon we wont have any. Yes there are consequences for standing up to the gov, but there are different levels of stands you can take and every american needs to do their part. If you dont want to be on the front line of balantly and publically violating illegal laws to make a point to them fine, but at least gently protest your violation of rights, its the responsibiliy of every american in order to keep the rights our forefathers and veterans have fought to provide us. Freedom is just an empty word unless you have the testicular fortitude for living free!!

100% right
It figures Pa. would do something like that, after all Pa. is right next door to THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF MARYLAND. Some of our lovely restrictive laws must be leaking north across the State Line. "Ha Ha"
My stock pipes on my 08 105th Ultra are just loud enough that my neighbors tolerate my leaving at 6 am to work. I actually coast to the end of the drive then start and pull out as quietly as possible.

I can't imagine my neighbors reaction if I changed the pipes out to be even louder. I wouldn't like the noise in our neighborhood either!

Now, NO ONE has complained, which I consider a compliment. They know I love my bike ride it all year whenever and wherever I can and they smile at my joy. I don't intend to give these friends any reason to start not liking my passion at all.

I agree with comments careful what you wish for...keep making noise, especially in areas that are generally quiet, and we'll lose the option to have even a little rumble under the seat.

Go ahead and fight these laws or regulations, but if you upset enough of the new generation running the country, we'll be the losers.
More gubmit control if ya ask me.
We lose a few more of our rights every day.

Some people think they have a right to make as much noise as they want.
Some people think they have the right to some peace and quiet.

Both sides of the argument have nutzoids that will listen to no one who disagrees. They are the ones responsible for most of this problem.
Smitty has a point, if we think pipes are too loud, what will non-Harley owners or riders think. I like loud pipes, but even I had to be reasonable and put baffles in, gal at the front desk at work owns a motorcycle, her husband owns a Harley bagger and even she noted the diffence when the "rattling" windows stopped (when I put the baffles in my straight drag pipes. When around town, try to not rev the engine and stay in higher gear to keep people within ear shot giving you the thumbs up for the "nice ride" you have when passing thru...!:D