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Negative Connection

That's what I finally came up with too. Does it still apply to sealed batteries?
Harley does always tells you to disconnect the negative terminal first and when hooking back up to connect the negative terminal last to avoid sparks.
Having Battery Tender eyelets at the battery terminals is no problem...when connecting shrouded plug ends, you should have the Battery Tender unplugged from the wall, so not sparks (even the tiny tiny one) if you just happen to have the Battery Tender "lump" plugged into the wall)...when mating the always keep that in mind:

Plug in the Battery Tender LAST when charging the HD battery for longer term storage (more than 3 weeks or more to be sure).

Unplug the Battery Tender FIRST before unpluging the mating connector harness if riding or putting away the charger for the riding actively.
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