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My final decision has been made on Exhaust

Well after all the looking and listening I am going with The D&D FATCAT pipe on my Road Glide. I think i will get great performance out of it and i am going with the Thunder Max.This has taken me close to 3 months and i am done lookin:bigsmiley30:
What do you think of this Gliderand also thanks for all the help you have gave me on here. I know the TMax is high priced but i like the Auto tune.... Is there any other Auto tunes available. Thanks in Advance
Just think what a set of rienharts with the black tips would look like on that bike.
And they do sound great.

Now Smitty this has been hard enough :D i have really looked at them rineharts and heck ill probably change my mind again anyway. I really do like the sound of the fatcat.
I haven't listened to many pipes since I'm new at this, but I was wondering if you have heard the Sampson ovals? That is what came on my bike and I like the sound of them.
I have the Rineharts and love them!
A buddy put them on his R/K S/E and man they sounded great. :s
That helped me make my choice, they sound good at cruise speed but when you twist the throttle they come to life!
They are some sharp looking and sounding pipes. IF I ever changed mine thats what I would go with on th RG.
The ones on my fatboy are a bit loud they been on so long I forgot the brand. I do like the sound but the police are not so thrilled with them

I just back off the throttle when they roll by:s there has been a few that gave me a smile:D
I ride with several "law" enforcement riders and as long as you respect the rodes, they are cool about it.:s
But they really sound GREAT!!
Thank your service Smitty!!!!
I think/Know you are correct! it's a shame...when you think about it,i can think of many,many more things that need attention in this world!
But i have one question? whats that white stuff in the photo in the back round? :D
Nice lookin ride too!
they call that snow we have about 80 inches this year little over douable normal. hoping it will go away soon.
these are the pipes on my FB they are not overly loud but I know someday I will end up fighting it out in court

We had about 5 inches this year which is ALOT for Georgia! I can smell spring around the corner or (tomorrow)! :D
Nice looking F/boy. They/You must be gettin cabnin fever?