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My bike is not running smooth - advice needed

I think that compression is OK. The engine is quite new and even for starting engine I have to use the decompressator valves. Without them my powerfull batt and 2 kW starter motor has a problems with reving the engine, especially when is close to TDC. And with bad compression I would have a problems with starting engine - but it starts perfectly, I do not have oily spark plugs, just black matt and dry deposits.
And I have to repeat the measurment on other equipment because this was a kind of old and really during any changes at AFR screw nothing happened, even when I accelerate the readings were the same as at idle.
The second case is that yesterday I found on Internet some information about testing a bike for exhaust gases in bike. And I found that apparatus for car probably will not work for a bike. Especially when you will not connect the tach. Next problem is when you have open stright pipes, and one seperate for each cylinder. There can be some problems with gases in this type of pipe and for best reading the probe should be long and set in exhaust manifold.
Yes, you can have problems with reversion of exhaust flow on bikes especially with drag pipes. It will show erroneous lean AFR indications. If your exhaust analyzer is true infrared absorption, you can use it on a bike without any problem. (with exception of reversion of gases)