Wow, It got even better. I was so freakin angry I had to wait to type for fear of typing something I shouldn't.
I decided to try calling Harrisburg and after a not too long wait I talked to a CSR and I had to play a guessing game cause she told me it was sent to the Leinholder. I said "there is no leinholder" and I asked her who it was. She couldn't tell me so I asked her if it was *^&^* and she said yes. I don't understand how this could have been possible as the pink slip has NO LEINHOLDER checked and there is no leinholder name or address or anything else on it. So, I called the stealership and talked to the owner and they said they would get me a duplicate title but I would need to get a letter from the credit union releasing the lein. ** This is for a bike that I paid cash for and has (supposedly) no Leinholder ..
I don't trust them to do the right thing, So I called the credit union and asked them if they had my title and if so, why it wasn't sent. They said " why would we have your title? We don't show you having a loan with us for the bike . I said exactly but you are now the leinholder cause somebody at Harley wants you to be. SSoooo,
They checked and could not find the title but they said that since it is still in the 90 day window, they will request a duplicate title from PENNDOT and when it comes in, they will remove the lein and send the title to me. This has caused me to be angry and stressed and I am glad C/U is taking care of this as I can't even imagine the dealership doing the right thing as they are the reason for all this. Thanks for letting me vent and for your help.......