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Morning summer rides

Yeah, talk about therapy! Husband and I had a cup of coffee this morning and then rode through the hills and curves of our county heading toward the Delta. It was so cool and wonderful feeling. The road was closed where the hills meet the flat land, so we went to Yazoo City and got some breakfast burritos at Micky D's before coming home. There was a guy there that we know and he had ridden in on his Goldwing. He's a big talker and kept putting Harley Davidson's down.:no We just smiled and talked about how much we love riding and where all we've been. He kept talking about how luxurious his GW is. Finally I asked him why he didn't just ride in a car since he liked all that fancy stuff. He couldn't say anything for a second. Then he started talking about how he was thinking of buying a Fatboy, and he followed us out to look at our bikes. When he rode out on his GW, I couldn't hear a thing except his horn when he tooted at us. Then we cranked our bikes. Wow! Love them Harleys and love the morning summer rides!:D:D:D
Morning rides are great. Lately as I have to go to work early on Monday's I mean like 4:30 am early, I have taken the Herritage for the last 5 of 6 times. Had a rain out 2 weeks back. As the brother in CA mentioned, deer are always popping out as we live and work in the hill towns. Its really neat to see them 4 or 5 feet away and not even scared of the pipes. I do my very best in the fall to help keep their numbers in check though. :D
Thanks for a geat topic.
Rick kc2htv
I love it. I love my Harley. Don't care what you ride. Just don't put anyone down for what they ride. Morning is without question the best part of the day. Well not exactly. The best part of the day is when you get to ride. If it is the morning then, well you know.
Yeah, talk about therapy! Husband and I had a cup of coffee this morning and then rode through the hills and curves of our county heading toward the Delta. It was so cool and wonderful feeling. The road was closed where the hills meet the flat land, so we went to Yazoo City and got some breakfast burritos at Micky D's before coming home. There was a guy there that we know and he had ridden in on his Goldwing. He's a big talker and kept putting Harley Davidson's down.:no We just smiled and talked about how much we love riding and where all we've been. He kept talking about how luxurious his GW is. Finally I asked him why he didn't just ride in a car since he liked all that fancy stuff. He couldn't say anything for a second. Then he started talking about how he was thinking of buying a Fatboy, and he followed us out to look at our bikes. When he rode out on his GW, I couldn't hear a thing except his horn when he tooted at us. Then we cranked our bikes. Wow! Love them Harleys and love the morning summer rides!:D:D:D
Let them ramble, it's an inferiority complex if you ask me. Then he says he was thinking about getting a Fatboy? I rest my case! :s
Gotta love them morning rides!
Ahhhh, the morning rides....gotta love 'em. With the heat the way it is down here in Texas, the morning is the best. Dont get me wrong, I'll ride any time I can, but 107 degrees at 100% humidty in the afternoon, its just not comfortable.

I start on Saturday between 6 and 7. Thats my second Church and Prayer Time. No destination, just ride. Plenty of lone riders out during that time, a simple nod of the head or wave, wishing each other well. Back home at 10:00

Sunday - same thing, maybe ride with a friend. Talk about the week to come, and how we will conquer it. Its great to find those one or two friends that ride the same way as destination, pull over when you feel like it, no real rules and no drama, just ride.

Life is good. Be safe ya'll
you get to see this with no one else on the road! just did this last week at 6am:D