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Mobil 1 Question

At the risk of beating a dead horse with the 20/50 vs 15/50. Wouldn't the nature of your riding and the ambient temperature contribute as to whether either would be okay? If you ride daily in a hot temperature or if you ride 2-3 times a month just bar hopping or going to the dealer for a tshirt, will that make a difference in the debate. I have heard people use the 15/50 with no issues but I am still some what hesitant to do so. I do like the price of the 15/50. What do you think?
100% Synthetic is good oil, the variations between brands is probably a very small gap as compared to brands of dino-oil (where the initial quality of the crude used and how much refining is needed) to get the desired lubri-osity and purified level. Then it is a matter of what additives other than for viscocity...such as friction modifiers, anticorrosion and detergents to keep particulate matter in suspension, along with oil filter used. Certainly a lot to think about, but Mobil 1 was one of the first manufacturers to tout the attributes of 100% synthetic oils early on.
20w50 heated up has 50wt properties.....15w50 heated up has 50wt properties.
If anything at all the start up 15wt will get to engine parts sooner than 20wt.
We all, most, let our HD's warm up before riding anyway. I use 15w50 Mobil 1 in my 2010
Fatboy with no regrets or worries at all.
Hd dino Changed 2500 good,but wouild not run it for 5000.syn was desighed
to extend service intervals safely.
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20w-50 v-twin has a few additives regular mobil 1 does not have we all know that....15w-50 mobil1 is still allot better that regular hd 20w-50 dino ......spending $20 more per oil change is allot cheaper than a new engine so i'm using 20w-50 mobil 1 v-twin in my crank case