:helpThe wife dont like the seat on my sporty and i dont blame her its small and not much padding . we are going to take some road trips this year most will be 5 to 8 hr rides , and she said no way!! not till i get her sumthin other than the rear fender to sit on lol , im not tryin to start a debate but im looking for the best seat out there for her to enjoy the ride as much as I. and we all know if momma aint happy then noone is happy lol know what i mean ? I was looking at a gel seat but i just dont know. i got a detach sissy bar and im going to keep my solo seat for the days i ride alone but i need a lazyboy feeling seat for when she jumps on the back and says lets go daddy. sorry if there is a post for this, i tried to find one and came up with nothin helpfull