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Buddy of mine laid his bike down Thursday morning, Deer run into him 0645am heading to work. He was wearing the leather jacket, & no chaps. from the waist down pretty skined up. From the waist up no scratches, broke ribs and a broke thumb on the right hand and a pretty scratched up bike, bent forks, rim. could have been worse. The leather will hang as a reminder..leather works!:shock
Buddy of mine got T-boned by a pick-up last year. Broke both bones in his lower leg and they came out the skin, needed surgery. Popped his hip out and cracked it. Smashed his face into the ground.
Paramedic who picked him up (who is a biker) said his leather pants saved his leg, jacket saved his skin. And "full-face" helmet saved his jaw and likely his life. He was back on his other bike in 4 mos with a cane in the bags.