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I'm planning a trip to Seattle & Whistler BC

Got a reply back from my email to the Lynnwood Harley Dealership, I think I am going to enjoy trading with these people.

Thanks for the inquiry Bill, would love to get you fixed up. I think you will really enjoy the ride of a road glide but yes it does a take a few miles to get used to. I ride one myself and it took about a 100 miles before I totally was dialed in, but I have no problems with you switching bikes if you are just too uncomfortable on it after riding for a bit. I will pass this along to Heidi my rentals manager and have her get in touch with you on Friday when she returns from her days off.

Kind Regards,

Brian Myers

Sales Manager Emerald City Harley-Davidson
Got my reply back today, on friday as promised, but I was a bit disappointed in the reply actually. Brian wrote me such a personable and friendly letter it had me looking forward to spending money with these people. Today's reply from the rental dept. was like, yeah we got some bikes left available in July. If you want one, give me a call. :(

Then when I shot back a reply, do you have the Ultra RG still response:(
I know I'm being a bit over sensitive here but this is a very important to me. I will be on a rare vacation to an area that only in the last year have realized how breathtakingly beautiful this part of the country is. I'm not alone in appreciating good customer service. There happens to be another huge Seattle based company that makes an incredible living off of selling very pricey coffee all over the world. Much of their success in my opinion is due to the polite manner in which the counter staff treats their customers. Yes I am talking about Starbucks.
I would contact Brian. He deserves to know how the rental staff treats people that want to do business.
I heard back from the Lynnwood dealership again. Seems the RG Ultra is booked from the 14th of July through August solid. The RG custom is still available for all times. If my traveling partner doesn't make up their mind soon as to the exact dates, I may be lucky to get any Road Glide.
a nice day trip to consider is grabbing the ferry at Horseshoe Bay and going over to Gibsons. Ride up the Sunshine Coast. Lots of little towns along the way. The roads are nothing but curves. If you have enough time you can end up hopping a couple ferries and end up on Vancouver Island and ride down to Nanaimo or Victoria, then hop another ferry back to the Mainland, down thru Peace Arch and so on. Either way, give me a shout when you do come up here and maybe we can meet up somewhere for a coffee. :)