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I need a travel bag

I was looking at the Sac Deluxe thinking that maybe it was better to go a little larger than end up not having enough room to start with. I think I am an overpacker when I travel.

SAC Deluxe - CoolSAC

That's a really nice looking bag but it's $50 more than you said you were looking to spend. If you're OK with the price, it looks like you could easily pack 3 or 4 days of stuff in there. Maybe more.
I use a tall T bag that has a Zip-out for making bag big enough for two...Or Zip-it smaller-together, just right for one.

It works great and straps around (on back side of) the sissy back rest (or fits over it with a pocket), then sitting on top the fender luggage rack... Big Med Small sizes...

That's a really nice looking bag but it's $50 more than you said you were looking to spend. If you're OK with the price, it looks like you could easily pack 3 or 4 days of stuff in there. Maybe more.

When I first gave this thought I really didn't know the price range of bags so I threw out the $100 as my ideal. Once I followed the links I saw pretty quickly that I underestimated their worth. I am still checking over the sites to make sure I get the most for the buck.
I just use a normal bag and then put it inside a dry bag and bungee it on to the rack or the back seat it works for me and is a low cost option i have been through some horrendous rain and the dry clothes are kept dry

When I first gave this thought I really didn't know the price range of bags so I threw out the $100 as my ideal. Once I followed the links I saw pretty quickly that I underestimated their worth. I am still checking over the sites to make sure I get the most for the buck.

And I'm sure you've discovered that anything with the "bar and shield" on it carries a hefty premium!
I've had great luck with T-Bags. They have a lot of variety and size selection. They are specifically made for motorcycles with attachment straps and built in rain covers.

Big bags are fine if mounted properly. If you're riding solo and can mount the bag in the passenger seat you'll not overload the bike or alter the center of gravity. Where trouble starts is mounting a heavy load high and behind the rear axle, which just happens to be where the luggage rack is. If you're riding two up you have to be very careful about loading strap on bags. Pack light and choose a smaller bag. Reuse clothing by rinsing out in a sink or use a laundromat. Consider shipping some luggage ahead. The best experience for packing a bike comes from backpacking. If you have to pack it in you become very selective as to what's really needed. It's the same with packing a bag on a bike.