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Heritage Kickstand

Maybe we could get Hoople to design a motor operated kick stand retracter with a push button on the bars for you :lolrolling

I know he could do it! :D
I think moving the hole jiffystand assembly back would be a big and expensive job, and not sure that it would end up properly balanced for the bike to lean against. What I think I would do is roll up to a custom shop sometime. Show them your predicament. They may be able to do a little fabrication for you like removing the flange or tang that sticks out and forward, to where it sticks out and back. But it has to be done in a way that it will allow the stand to come all the way up and not snag on something. Good luck bro
Billbo; Have you looked at #50233-00 jiffy stand extension kit or #50249-05 extended jiffy stand kit? I can't tell by the picture, but the extension kit may be adjustable to tilt back closer to you.
You mentioned difficulty standing the bike up with wife on board. I always get the bike up and stand folded, pointed in right direction, then "Girley on". I do no more maneuvering than I have to with my passenger in place.
Maybe we could get Hoople to design a motor operated kick stand retracter with a push button on the bars for you :lolrolling

I know he could do it! :D

And Hoople thought I put the pressure on him. :p
I have been dying to post this...
The S/O has a mild case of I.D.S. (Inseam Deficit Syndrome) and a 2003 Fat Boy that has also been lowered. She has a similar problem and this was my solution:

Hey FB, what is that you have mounted on there and how was the drilling through the jiffy stand toe kick?
Hey FB, what is that you have mounted on there and how was the drilling through the jiffy stand toe kick?

Let me take a shot at this, looks like an allen head bolt, two locknuts and a piece of rubber hose. Let's see how close I am.:D
Billbo; Have you looked at #50233-00 jiffy stand extension kit or #50249-05 extended jiffy stand kit?

I do no more maneuvering than I have to with my passenger in place.
VERY good advise there Breeze. Thanks. When I get to where I am going and if I want to back in - I tell the wife to git off!!! Then back in by myself. much easier.

A copy of the 50249-05 Breeze3at mentioned is what I have. A Google search of 50249-05 brings up a lot of sources with pics. The "toe kick" is welded to the round part of the stand above the bend, not down below the bend. So it's closer in to the bike. And it's more of a spike than a flat piece of bar stock. It's easier to reach for us vertically challenged riders and I think it looks cool.