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Heritage '08 compared to '09


my 08 Heritage takes 3 qts engine oil (per the manual and confirmed in multiple oil changes) and HD web site shows the specs on 08's to be 3 qts and 09's to be 3 1/2 qts . Not that it matters any to my 08, but what did Harley change mechanically to affect the oil capacity for the 2009 model year Heritage? I didn't think there were any major changes in the 09 Heritage other than appearance.

I understand that you use the dip stick to know for sure if there is the correct amount of oil, what I'm asking refers to the manufacturer's factory specs - the specs are different for those 2 year models, but why?
I just did the 1,000 mile oil change on my 09 heritage. I scavenged the system to get out all the old oil. It only took 3 quarts to fill it up and that's checking hot per the service manual that calls for 3.5 quarts.