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hd finance rates


just curious, to those who have recently fianced a new bike with harley. what kind of rate did they give you? i know i could go and talk to them, but i don't want to waste my time or theirs over something that may or may not happen. thanks in advance for your replies!
Pretty much depending on your credit, the higher the number the better rate you'd get. I purchased a used 04 Herritage last March/08 and got 5.75%.
Last Fall I got 4.99% on a new one but when I was doing that they were giving 0% on leftover 07`s I heard ...It also weighs heavily on your credit score........
got a 07 Ultra in July 07 -- 4.99%. Yes they did offer 0% IF you paid it off in X amount of months. Yes it does depend on your credit record and what lenders your local HD shop deals with.