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have you seen this - online Across America by Motorcycle

Below is a quote for the preface of the book:

"The total number of replacements to the engine alone comprised the following: Five new cylinders; three pistons; five gudgeon pins; three complete sets of bearings; two connecting rods, and eleven sparking plugs.

The machine was entirely overhauled on four occasions between the Atlantic and the Pacific, and on three of these by the recognized agents of the manufacturers. The engine cut-out switch was the only part of the mcachine that did not break, come loose, or go wrong sooner or later. I was thrown off 142 times, and after that I stopped counting! Apart from that I had no trouble."

This all occurred in 5000 miles. Guess we shouldn't complain so much about our bikes these days....LOL
Some of his early comments about the state of our roads are wonder it had to be rebuilt and had him on the ground so often...
