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Has anyone heard of this company?

Thanks. I found one person who has bought from him before. Just want to make sure...can never be too careful. He accepts payments through Pay Pal...probably would go that route. Anyway, ordering the V&H Short Shots for my wife's Sportster...will update everyone on how the transaction went. He definitely has some very competitive prices.

I bet the Sporty will sound Awesome with those pipes. Would like to know how you like them.

sporties do sound awesome with short shots i know ive had 2 with them on one carbed and one FI:cheers

Agree w/Hobbit - I installed V&H Short Shots on my 05 XL1200C & they were sweeeeet! Hated giving up my Sporty w/the pipes, but got too good of a deal on my new 09 SG. You will be pleased w/these pipes!:cheers