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Harley Davidson Financing

Absolutely not on HD financing

Rates are too high, employees are very rude. Paper work is a nightmare.You can wait up to a month to get your title after you pay it off!!

Local credit unions are the only way to go.
If you cant wait out the time to save up, and repair your credit, it might be in your best interest to take a higher % loan, make good on it for a year, and refinance to a lower rate
Making good on your loan will speed up the recovery of your credit

These are all good ideas for sure, but I'm seeing a trend with HD Finance that has little to do with credit ratings. With a score of 798 they tried to ding me for 9.9%. Be real folks...With a debt to income problem maybe I could see a problem but Paula and I have been building credit together for 30 years and trust me...we arent high risk.

But yes Sprinklerfitter, paying a higher rate loan for a while would build the credit score and make it easier to tell HD Finance to go jump off a cliff and refinance at a reputable credit union with people that actually care.
We decided to utilize the H-D financing in order to maintain some successful investments

Well I am at Happy to see not everyone used my X-Stock Broker for investing. The Yo-Yo I selected went in 1 pocket and out the other! Walking into her office on that "First Day" ranks among 1 of the worst decisions I ever made.