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Grips, grips, grips


Any advise on replacing stock grips on a softtail other than letting the dealership do 'em ?? I've been told they're a pain to do, especially the throttle side.
Any advise on replacing stock grips on a softtail other than letting the dealership do 'em ?? I've been told they're a pain to do, especially the throttle side.

I have NOT replaced them on anything new yet -- but I have replaced them a couple or so times on my 87 FXRC and that wasn't to bad. Just take your time and don't get any wires pinched and if you got a pardner to lend a hand....
It's not that hard, it could be a little tricky ,but if you take your time, you could do it yourself. I have done it on my v-star ,my roadking,the wife's sportster,and helped my neighbour with his softtail. They way you take them apart, they'll go back on. Just give yourself a couple of hours,but you'll do it in less time. I don't want to give the dealer any more money than I have to.
It`s not hard I just put iso grip set on my 08 ultra. takes the same amount of time as the old ones when you slide the throttle side on just make sure you get it in a notch and dont force it on. IT`S not any harder that the old style . full directions will come with them... .............GO FOR IT !!!:D
If they are anything like the ones on my fxrs, just make sure you don't loose the little brass pivots for the throttle cable. Also make sure you get the assembly tight against the master cylinder if you don't the brake light will remain on (found that out the hard way). All and all, it isn't really a hard job to do just take your time and pay attention.
Grips are on (nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be), only problem was the grip adhesive that Kuryakyn sent was all dried up and useless. They're sending me another one. Thx everyone for all the advice. btw, just an fyi, I only had to loosen one of the cables to get the old grip off which made it much easier than having to adjust and re-adjust multiple cables.