:help Friday I took the carb. off a perfectly running 2000 wide glide , 2 days and a trip by 3 bike shops and I still haven't found the answer. It bogs down to point of dieing when I try to give it gas (above 1800 R.P.M.). I can pull enricher 3/4 out and excellerate. It also idles perfectly. I took the carb. apart to find out what kind of upgrade if any it had .(dynojet) I have put the 3 new rubbers on manifold. Had float level checked. Looked for holes and inpropper install. of diaph. Had off about 6 different times to clean jets and fuel paths out for something I might have droped in when I took to shop the first time to wash out in parts cleaner vat. Enricher seems to be seating out. With air filter off slide seems to be opening all the way up when I crank on it, fuel pump squirts out gas when I first roll throttle.Even spent hours reading Glider's kick-ass tips. Begining to think something else beside carb.? I would appreciate any and all ideas or even thoughts at this point . THANKS !!!!:wall