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Finaly got a chance to wash my ride

They dont call this the Badlands for nothin. Wash and wax my bike. Next morning its covered with gritty white dust...from the Badlands. Cant just wipe it off because it will leave swirl marks. Seems like this dust is attracted to I just leave the dust on until I have time to rinse it off good...before I wipe anything. So mostly...I just ride it. :D

HermitKing - I tried to help you out by bringing a bunch of that dust home with me on Monday. :s
Thanks..DakotaRob. Badlands dust always finds its way home. Certainly within a few days, a dry wind from the east will bring right back here.....but thanks for the effort. Hope you enjoyed your ride here.
And to all other riders...dont be discouraged from coming to the Badlands. The rumors that our dust particals actually breed and multiply when taken to other climates has never been scientifically far as I know.:small3d002: