After close to a month of bad weather, (yes, I'm a fair weather rider & I know it, didn't like riding the harley in the rain), I finally get out for some riding this weekend. Saturday, hubby worked, so I figured I'd head down toward the city & ride around some and take care of a couple of errands. Well, first off, I got a call from one of the guys at work, and no, it wasn't from one of the guys with a harley. The guy working had some cut cable in an underground area & he didn't have prints of the plant. I was going buy the office to get my camera, so being the nice person that I am, decided I'd get the prints & some specialty tools & take them up on my bike. (Better neighborhood, didn't have to worry about the bike
). I was there for almost 5 hours, and we had dug a pretty big hole. :17: So much for my scenic ride along the great Ohio river.......:17::17:
But, the funny part of the story is on the way to the job site. I'm cruising along about 50 mph, minding my own business, and the next thing I know, I see a kamikaze bird diving right in front of me!:52: Yup, I nailed him. I love my windshield! All I could think of was the scene in "Wild Hogs". I was laughing, of course after the initial shock past. I figure it would have been pretty funny to watch. Today was uneventful, but I didn't have all day to ride either...
Okay, time for the rest of you to share your laughs with us! :taunt
But, the funny part of the story is on the way to the job site. I'm cruising along about 50 mph, minding my own business, and the next thing I know, I see a kamikaze bird diving right in front of me!:52: Yup, I nailed him. I love my windshield! All I could think of was the scene in "Wild Hogs". I was laughing, of course after the initial shock past. I figure it would have been pretty funny to watch. Today was uneventful, but I didn't have all day to ride either...
Okay, time for the rest of you to share your laughs with us! :taunt