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Favorite Beverages

Ocean Spray Cranapple in the morning,....3 Miller Lites during the day,...A glass of Sunset Blush wine at evening!...I can't wait to wake up!!!
diet mt. dew 24/7. propel waters or gatorade once in a while after being on the bike in the summer time. plain water no way. no flavor.

like a sweet white wine now and then or a seagrams wine cooler (strawberry daiqueri , banana daqueri, black cherry ) flavors.

hot chocolate with a lot of cool whip when it's cold.
Eight O Clock coffee for the mind, water for body,beer(a slowly changing variety) for the spirit!! :)
give me a bud light anytime, just saw a headline but did not read the story, Chinese beer passes bud light as largest selling beer in the world. Guess the Chinese are developing a taste for beer.