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Do you do the "biker wave" at Sport Bike Riders?

I wave to all two and three wheelers sport or cruisers and almost always get a wave back. And if not, I just figure they were thinking it but just couldn't connect brain with hand. ( I have that problem sometimes)
Yep, wave at every thing on two or three wheels, don't remember seeing any unicycles but I would wave at them too.
I wave to all bikers, I'd say I 've got about 80 -85% response back, in my area most all Harley riders wave its the other bikers that seem to have a problem waving back, thats ok
Couldn't agree with you more:D
And don't forget our three wheeled brothers!:D

OF COURSE! I love our three wheeler friends! :ap

It's pretty much understood that you don't always wave at a rally. I usually keep waving 'til they stop waving back. When I leave, I don't start waving until I get waved at. Your arm would fall off at Sturgis.

That's funny! I was joking with a friend about having someone make me a custom fake arm with a hand making the biker wave that attaches to my front forks so I could push a button and the arm swings out to give the "biker wave". We have so much traffic here in LA with so many bikers, especially on a Sunday afternoon on PCH. I'm wavin' my self silly some times :57:!
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Here in italy there's an unwritten rule: scooters don't wave to each other and are not waved by bikers.

There are so many scooters around that it would be impossible to wave and keep a safe riding!

Thus, we vawe only among bikers, despite the brand of the bike.

But when I wave to an oncoming Harley... I notice a far warmer response! :)

I usually wave. However, up to now my ride was metric and it was the harley's that never waved back. Once last year, a bus driver thought my wave was to let him into traffic and he promptly cut me off.
I'm on my first Harley after 30 years. I always wave. We are group of people that acknowledge each other as special. Last summer I didn't realize it was a cop on a bike and I waved. He waved back. Now that was cool. I guess I could have gotten a ticket for riding with one hand but the cops are cool around here to bikers. Metric - Inch, who cares what bike ya ride. We are all still on two wheels.
Sorry, I am in the minority here. I had to quit waving, too many bikes here in SoCal. I was waving non stop. Don't take it personally, it's not you.