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Cleaning your fins


Junior Member
Saturday it was raining all day so I was bored and decided to go it in the garage and clean the bike , it was dusty . I cleaned the normal stuff and was looking at the fins on the engine thinking how might be the best way to clean them as they never get touched . Keep in mind mine are the black crinkle , I grabbed a wooden paint stir stick and slid an old white cotton sock over it and put a rubber band on it to keep it tight . I sprayed a little pledge on the sock and went to work on the fins , it worked great . The paint stick with the sock was just the right thickness and did an effertless job of cleaning in between the fins , I also used it to clean the tops of the rockers . I'll now do this more often since it was so easy to do . Now i'll get some pig spit for the next time and see how that works out .
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Good tip, they can be a pain to get between the fins but I think you'll find that the Pig spit will save you a lot of time with the paint stick unless the fins are full of dirt or something that needs cleaning first.

I've used it many times on the fin area and it looks like new when you're done.
Glider do you know what you said, Pig Snot instead of Pledge, I think you better make an appointment with the specialist.
Glider do you know what you said, Pig Snot instead of Pledge, I think you better make an appointment with the specialist.


There's a time and place for everything and pig snot isn't just for pigs :D

Pledge for just about everything else.
What a great idea. I have been wondering about the best way to clean the fins. I'll give it a go. Thanks.
Now that I have the right tool (paint stir stick and sock) what is the best for cleaning the silver fins on the RG?
What if you don't have a pig farmer nearby can you order pig snot or will it dry out before it gets to you? Sorry I couldn't resist. :D
Bowhiker said Pig spit, Glider said Pig spit, changed it to Pig snot..hooboy..I am confused. Pig spit Pig snot..what's the diff, I bet it comes in Pig aroma...:D:D