Your comments are touching, but unrealistic. The shoe comparison was a little over the edge! What is being left out here is the realistic comparison of tires and their intended use. Without understanding tires and their designed usage you could be in trouble mixing Dunlops with Dunlops. But to broadly say mixing brands is dangerous is a disservice to other riders.
You assumed I went out and without any real life knowledge of tires and their performance and mixed tire brands. Wrong again. I have a friend who is a tire engineer for Goodyear. He decides what tire compounds I will use on my race car for each track and weather condition. I talked with him about what I wanted to do on my bike and he is the one who said I would be fine with the Dunlaps and Metzler combo. I trust him.
Don't worry, glider, as usual you are always right no matter what the facts say. I will post no longer...
Same colour as my tires